Document : 1764-02-11

Références / localisation du document

CEA, A 4 - 1 - 1 Deschamps Papers // # 1318 Thomas B. Akins, Selection from the Public Documents of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Charles Annand, 1869.



Auteur ou organisme producteur

Earl of Halifax


Wilmot, gouverneur de Nouvelle-Ecosse

Résumé et contenu

Le Duke d'Halifax à Wilmot, gouverneur de Nouvelle-Écosse. Enquête sur les lettres de la Rochette. Il faut ôter l'espoir aux Acadiens de retourner en France.

A enquêté à propos des lettres signées de la Rochette reçues par les Acadiens. Le duc de Nivernois nie toute implication et affirme son ignorance de cette affaire. Idem pour la Rochette. Mais comme il a été chargé par le duc de Nivernais du retour en France des Acadiens, "he presumes that some of those people have written in his name the letters which were laid before the Council of Nova Scotia". Il lui joint l'extrait de la lettre de l'ambassadeur d'Angleterre en France (cf. fiche précédente) pour faire cesser chez les Acadiens l'espoir de rentrer en France.


Copy. St James, Feb 11th, 1764.

In my letter of the 26th of November last I transmitted to you the copy of the letter by which I signified the King's pleasure to his ambassador at Paris to make remonstrances to the French ministers on the Intelligence given me by the late Lieutenant Governor Belcher that endeavors had been used through the agency of the Sieur de la Rochette (who was said to be a clerck to the Duke de Nivernois) to seduce away the Acadians from your government and persuade them to return to France.
From the knowledge which I have of that Nobleman's character I was from the first persuaded that he was incapable of being concerned in so dishonourable a proceeding and I have now the satisfaction to acquaint you that I have received a letter from his grace containing the strongest assurances of his being entirely innocent and ignorant of any such attempt and considering the very suspicion as injurious to his honor. I have also at his grace's desire interrogated the Sieur de la Rochette who positively denies his having ever written a line to any Acadian in Nova Scotia either with or without the Duke of Nivernois' orders. But having been employed by that Nobleman to transact the removal of a number of Acadians who were brought hither and whom his majesty gave leave at the Duke's request to return to France, he presumes that some of those people have written in his name the letters which were laid before the Council of Nova Scotia.
Since these transactions the French Ambassador here having taken occasion in a Memorial to mention the situation of the Acadians and to desire that his Majesty would permit them to retire to France, lord Hertford was instructed to return a proper answer thereupon to the Court of France. And you will see by the enclosed extract of his excellency's letter to me that the French Ministry entirely acquiesce in His Majesty's right to dispose of those people as he sees proper and do not pretend in any degree to interfere in their behalf. I therefore send you these several informations that you may be enabled to do justice to the respectable character of the Duke de Nivernois and to disabuse the poor Acadians and prevent their entertaining any future hope of encouragement from the Court of France either by the means of private intrigue or public interposition.
I am with great thruth and regard, sir, your most obed[ient] and humble servant,

Dunk Halifax.


une copie imprimée et dactylographiée de cette lettre dans # 1318 p. 342 (cf. photos 4033.jpg).


// Acadiensis
// USA
// repartir : France

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